- Free Online Open University/OpenLearn courses, This free online course aims to help those working in NGOs and development and humanitarian agencies to better understand the causes of harm, abuse, and exploitation.
- RSH e-learning
- Empowered Aid Free Online Course to Mitigate the Risk of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Aid Distribution
- OVRA training on VCA.
- OVRA training on VCA.
- Introduction to Safeguarding in the International Aid Sector.
- Investigation Training Qualification Scheme.
- Developing and modelling a positive safeguarding culture: A tool for leaders.
- Disaster Ready training course on SEA
- United to Respect: Preventing Sexual Harassment and Other Prohibited Conduct,
Victim-Centred Approach
- Office of the Victims’ Right Advocate (OVRA). This website provides information on the work of the Victims Rights Advocate and Senior Victims’ Rights Offices to put the rights and dignity of victims of sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations and related personnel at the forefront of the United Nation’s prevention and response efforts, along with lots of useful resources, including:
- A publicly available training module developed by the Office for use across the HDP sectors and beyond.
- UN Victims’ Rights Statement
- UN Protocol on the Provision of Assistance to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
- Trust Fund in Support of Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
- Advancing a Common Understanding of a Victim-centred Approach to Sexual Harassment within the UN system.
- CHS Alliance Foundational Paper on Victim-Survivor Centred Approach to protection from SEAH in the aid sector.
- IASC Definition & Principles of a Victim/Survivor Centered Approach.
- Interaction Core Standards for Survivor Centered Support. These standards developed by Interaction set out essential care which victim-survivors are entitled to.
- Tip sheet: People with disabilities
- Tip sheet: Disability-inclusive safeguarding
- Case study: Safeguarding Children with Disabilities
- Sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment of people with disabilities: mapping of the evidence
- Able Child Africa Safeguarding Children with Disabilities Guidelines
- RSH Eastern European Hub bitesize on the safeguarding risks that LGBTQI+ refugees and staff face and provides guidance for organisations on how to make their safeguarding policy and practice LGBTQI+ inclusive.
- Pocket Guide: Safeguarding LGBTQI+ individuals working in civil society organisations (CSO)
- UNHCR Emergency Handbook, Section on Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons.
Child Safeguarding
- The Keeping Children Safe International Child Safeguarding Standards help organisations meet the responsibilities set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) to protect children from harm caused by their staff, activities, operations and partners.
- Keeping Children Safe - Child safeguarding standards and how to implement them also available in Bangla, French and Turkish.
- Case study: Safeguarding Children with Disabilities
- RHS Ethiopia Hub produced a guide on talking to children on safeguarding.
- Able Child Africa Safeguarding Children with Disabilities Guidelines
United Nations commitments and resources on tackling SEA and SH
The UN’s overarching webpage on Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse has lots of information and resources on how the UN is tackling SEA across its operations. In particular information on:
- How to report SEA by UN personnel affiliated with the UN
- The role of the Special Coordinator on improving the United Nations response to sexual exploitation and abuse
- The Office of the Victims’ Rights Advocate
- The UN Voluntary Compact between the Secretary-General and Member States, and the Circle of Leadership on the prevention of and response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse which signal a collective commitment on PSEA.
- UN Policies, Resolutions and Reports, such as:
- The 2003 UNSG Bulletin on Special Measures for PSEA
- The UN’s 2005 Comprehensive strategy to eliminate future sexual exploitation and abuse in United Nations peacekeeping operations. This document sets out the UN’s approach to tackling SEA in peacekeeping operations and provides further information on the key actions needed at international level on PSEA for peacekeeping.
- The UN’s 2017 report on Special Measures for PSEA: a new approach. This outlines the UN’s approach to preventing and responding to SEA in the humanitarian, development and peacekeeping operations, and includes a Voluntary Compact with Member States.
- The UN 2019 Guidance on Leadership in Humanitarian Action: Handbook for the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator. This provides specific guidance on the leadership roles of UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinators, including their PSEAH responsibilities.
- The 2021 UN Management and Accountability Framework of the UN Development and Resident Coordinator System. This provides a clear framework for management and accountability within UN Country Teams.
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee is the highest level humanitarian coordination forum within the UN and produces key standards and guidance and a dedicated webpage on preventing sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian operations (which the rest of the UN system also follows) including:
- The IASC Six Core Principles – which formed the basis for the Common Approach PSEAH principles.
- IASC Vision and Strategy: Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH) 2022-2026. This sets out the vision and strategy for how IASC members will protect from SEAH in humanitarian contexts.
- IASC PSEA Action Plan Template Worksheet. Organisations and groups of organisations should create SEA country/action plans to plan and coordinate their work in countries. Organisations should also use, where appropriate more detailed PSEA action plans, to plan and coordinate their work on PSEA. The IASC PSEA Action Plan template worksheet can be used to plan PSEA responses in humanitarian situations.
- IASC’s 2016 Best Practice Guide: Inter-Agency Community Based Complaints Mechanisms. This provides guidance on how to design clear and simple victim-survivor centred complaints mechanisms that are available to all community members.
- IASC’s 2016 Global Standard Operating Procedures on Inter-Agency Cooperation in Community-Based Complaint Mechanisms. These Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been developed to facilitate joint actions by humanitarian agencies/organizations in response operations to protect beneficiaries from SEA and enhance the collective capacity of the agencies.
- IASC Learning Package on Protection from Sexual Misconduct for UN partner organisations.
- ‘Together we say no’ material available in languages including Amharic, Arabic, Bahasa, Bambara, Bangla, Dari, DRC Swahili, English, French, Fulfulde, Haitian Creole, Hausa, Juba Arabic, Lingala, Myanmar language, Nepalese, Pashto, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, Tigrinya, Turkish.
Information on how the UN tackles sexual harassment
- Secretary-General's Bulletin on Addressing discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, and abuse of authority (ST/AI/2019/8)
- The UN Department of Management Strategy, Policy and Compliance holds the mandate for tackling Sexual Harassment across the UN system.
- The UN System-wide Knowledge Hub on Addressing Sexual Harassment is a repository of resources, best practice and tools on the UN system's efforts to prevent and address sexual harassment. It is available to all UN personnel, Member States and civil society.
- Resources to address Sexual Harassment in the UN System Organizations, include:
- UN System Code of Conduct
- FACILITATORS’ GUIDE - A session on values, attitudes and organizational culture in relation to prevention of sexual misconduct
- Attitudes and Culture;
- Investigator's Manual for Investigation of Sexual Harassment Complaints in the United Nations.
- UN System Model Policy on Sexual Harassment;
- Guide for Managers: Prevention of, and Response to, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace,
- A Victim-centred Approach to Sexual Harassment
- The United to Respect initiative which includes:
- A training module - United to Respect: Preventing Sexual Harassment and Other Prohibited Conduct which is available to all personnel in all 6 UN languages
- United to Respect Toolkit that provides information and ideas to help all UN personnel become more engaged and proactive in establishing and maintaining a harmonious and civil work environment and makes practical and user-friendly guidance available to those affected by prohibited conduct;
- United to Respect Dialogues facilitated dialogues that aim to inspire conversations that can help UN Secretariat staff to prevent, identify and respond to instances of discrimination, harassment, including sexual harassment, and abuse of authority.
UN support for victims-survivors
- Office of the Victims’ Right Advocate (OVRA). This website provides information on the work of the Victims Rights Advocate and Senior Victims’ Rights Officers to put the rights and dignity of victims of sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations and related personnel at the forefront of the United Nation’s prevention and response efforts, along with lots of useful resources, including:
- A publicly available training module developed by the Office for use across the HDP sectors and beyond.
- UN Victims’ Rights Statement
- UN Protocol on the Provision of Assistance to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
- Trust Fund in Support of Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
- Advancing a Common Understanding of a Victim-centred Approach to Sexual Harassment within the UN system.
Standards and guidance for Peacekeeping Operations
- The UN Peacekeeping Resource Hub which includes:
- Pocket cards and flyers promoting the ‘No Excuse’ statement on the UN Rules and prohibitions relating to SEA (available in all 6 UN official languages)
- The Commanders Guide on Measures to Combat SEA in UN Military (available in all 6 UN official languages)
- Specialised Training Materials
- Factsheet on Peacekeeping Initiatives.
Commitments and guidance for International Financial Institutions (IFIs)
- International Financial Institutions (IFIs): commitments to tackle sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment in the international aid sector. This joint statement from the IFIs highlights principles on PSEAH which they committed to in 2018.
- Strengthening Multilateral Financial Institutions’ Approaches to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment in Development Operations - resources developed by the MFI SEAH working group.
- International Financial Institutions (IFIs): commitments to tackle sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment in the international aid sector. This joint statement from the IFIs highlights principles on PSEAH which they committed to in 2018.
- World Bank guidance:
- Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) in Investment Project Financing involving Major Civil Works (2018). This guidance outlines how the World Bank and partner Governments will work together on PSEAH in major civil works/infrastructure operations.
- Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) in Human Development Operations (2022) This guidance outlines how the World Bank and partner Governments will work together on PSEAH in human development operations.
- Addressing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) in Investment Project Financing involving Major Civil Works (2018). This guidance outlines how the World Bank and partner Governments will work together on PSEAH in major civil works/infrastructure operations.
- International Finance Corporation (IFC) guidance on:
- How to support your company to develop a Community-Based grievance mechanism for sexual exploitation and abuse.
- How to support your company to develop a worker grievance mechanism for sexual harassment.
- Addressing gender-based violence and harassment: Emerging good practice for the private sector.
- How to support your company to write and implement a workplace policy for prevention of sexual harassment.
- Supporting companies to develop and manage community-based grievance and feedback mechanism regarding sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.
- How to support your company to write an employee code of conduct for prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse.
- How to support your company to develop a Community-Based grievance mechanism for sexual exploitation and abuse.
Guidance for Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), contractors and others
- Safeguarding Resource and Support Hub. An online hub with contextually relevant resources to support organisations with safeguarding against SEAH available in multiple languages and free to use. It contains a resource library, e-learning course, safeguarding consultants’ directory, webinars and podcasts. It also has or has operated national hubs across 4 regions: Ethiopia, Nigeria and South Sudan (Africa); Jordan, Syria and Yemen (Middle East and North Africa); Pakistan and Bangladesh (South Asia); and Eastern Europe.
- CHS Alliance is a global network of more than 200 aid organisations committed to tackling all forms of mistreatment and misconduct, wherever they occur. Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) is woven throughout the Nine Commitments of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS).CHS Alliance also champions sector-wide initiatives throughout the accountability chain, including:
- CHS Alliance 2020 PSEAH Index. This can be used by organisations to verify their performance against the Core Humanitarian Standards and whether they have the safeguarding policies and practices in place for relevant indicators against the standards.
- CHS Alliance E-Learning Understanding and Using the PSEAH Index.This free online course helps organisations understand and know how to use the PSEAH Index.
- Improving transparency of reporting on SEAH (Harmonised Reporting Scheme)
- Professional SEAH investigation training (Investigation Qualification Training Scheme, IQTS). This training course is available for use by organisations wherever they are based globally and builds professional skills in SEAH investigations and establishes a professional standard and career progression for investigators.
- Stopping perpetrators moving undetected between aid agencies (Misconduct Disclosure Scheme)
- Taking a survivor-victim centred approach to SEAH in aid (VCA report)
- CHS Alliance 2022 SEAH Investigation Guide. This guidance, produced by CHS Alliance, accompanies the Investigator Qualification Training Scheme and outlines key actions to take in conducting investigations into SEAH.
- CHS Alliance SEAH Investigations Toolkit.
- Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative (HQAI) assesses the performance of humanitarian institutions and provides certification, independent verification and benchmarking against the Core Humanitarian Standard for Quality and Accountability (including its PSEA elements). Institutions can use the services of HQAI to guide and improve their approaches to safeguarding.
- HQAI Facilitation Fund. This exists to cover the costs of HQAI’s services for NGOs and prioritises support to national NGOs in low- and middle-income countries.
- Empowered Aid is led by the Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University (GWI), in partnership with local and international aid actors, focused on prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) in humanitarian contexts. Empowered Aid At A Glance gives an overview of the types of resources available, including a Case Study Library, tips on Making Aid Distributions Safer, instructional guides and toolkits to engage communities in SEA prevention, toolkits and case studies for adapting the approaches and SEA risk mitigation strategies to your setting.
- ICVA/UNHCR PSEA Community and Outreach Fund Database: Includes 265 outreach and awareness materials in over 50 languages, available freely for adaptation.
- Digna aims to contribute to organizational culture change within the Canadian international cooperation community by providing training, online resources and consultation services to help prevent SEA.
- Bond is the UK network for organisations working in international development. They work to ensure organisations are equipped to prevent sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment across the international development sector. Their Developing and modelling a positive safeguarding culture: A tool for leaders helps leaders understand what a positive safeguarding culture is, assess the culture in their organisation, and help create an improved safeguarding culture.
- InterAction is the largest U.S.-based alliance of international NGOs and partners. Guidance for NGOs on safeguarding includes Community Based Safeguarding Visual Toolkit and the Interaction Core Standards for Survivor Centered Support which set out essential care which victim-survivors are entitled to.
- Disaster Ready training course on SEA
- The Safeguarding Leads Network of UK private sector suppliers who made commitments at the London 2018 Safeguarding Summit.
Information for donors
- The DAC Recommendation on Ending Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance: Key Pillars of Prevention and Response represents a consensus by all DAC members on how to prevent and respond to sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment by setting and implementing international standards for current and future DAC members, donors, cross-government and international stakeholders.
Vetting tools to prevent hiring/re-hiring of perpetrators
- UN ClearCheck platform. This is a highly secure platform of an online database. It contains information on individuals who have committed SEAH to share with UN entities with the aim of preventing them from being reemployed within the UN.
- Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. This facilitates the sharing of misconduct data between employers. It complements police checks by identifying perpetrators who have had disciplinary processes against them or are involved in investigations, but who may not have committed crimes.
- Project Soteria. This project, managed by Interpol, helps prevent and detect cases of SEAH. Interpol’s global policing capabilities can be used by institutions through drawing on Interpol notices, databases and networks.
Data and reporting tools
- UN public reporting mechanism on SEA allegations. This initiative shares UN system wide data on SEA allegations to promote transparency and accountability.
- CHS Harmonised framework for SEAH data collection and reporting. This is an international initiative for organisations to collect and report in a harmonised and systematic way, using the same sets of top line SEAH data to promote transparency and accountability, through better understanding of the issue through strong trend analysis. The pilot is focusing on NGOs and the private sector, but the UN and Member States are also involved and it could have wider applicability.
- Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Risk Overview Index (SEARO). This is a resource to help identify high-risk contexts for SEA and support decision making, including relating to where to prioritise resources. It is a Composite Index that brings together indicators on a range of different factors that can influence the risk of SEA.
Alignment of CAPSEAH to other standards
This initial mapping shows how CAPSEAH aligns to the following key standards and instruments to protect against SEA/SEAH. CAPSEAH does not replace the above documents. It synthesises and aligns to the key actions from them. The mapping will be reviewed and updated as CAPSEAH and other standards and instruments evolve.
Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations
Useful links:
- The PSEA Glossary is an interagency collaboration to produce a glossary on protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse covering 208 terms in 29 languages.
- UN Glossary on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
Commonly used terms and definitions in SEAH include:
Humanitarian, Development and Peace Work/Settings
- Humanitarian work delivers immediate lifesaving assistance to populations affected by crises such as conflicts, natural disasters, and other emergencies. E.g. delivering food, shelter, healthcare, and protection services to meet the urgent needs of affected populations and alleviate suffering.
- Development work, aid, assistance and cooperation seek to improve the longer-term welfare of lower income countries and address the underlying causes of poverty, inequality, and vulnerability. E.g. promoting economic growth, improving access to education and healthcare, strengthening governance and institutions, and fostering sustainable livelihoods.
- Peace work covers activities that aim to manage and resolve conflicts, protect civilians and help countries transition from conflict to sustainable peace. This includes peacekeeping (the deployment of multinational forces, typically under the mandate of the United Nations or regional organizations, to maintain or restore peace in conflict-affected areas) and peacebuilding (addressing the root causes of conflict and promoting sustainable peace by fostering reconciliation, social cohesion, and development).
HDP nexus is a term used to capture interlinkages between humanitarian, development and peace actions, and attempts for these sectors to work together more effectively.
The Common Approach sets out key actions across five levels ranging from the global perspective down to the individual level:
- Individual – actions for all individuals involved in the delivery of aid or peacekeeping support.
- International – actions relevant for the overarching international architecture that underpins and coordinates efforts to protect against SEAH in the HDP sectors. There are a variety of ways in which the UN system, other multilaterals, national governments, civil society, and the private sector come together to discuss and work together on PSEAH, as well as schemes and resources for them to use.
- National – PSEAH actions expected within countries. This includes expectations of national governments in their own countries, of troop-contributing countries, and countries that receive refugees. It also covers how governments and organisations should act in countries other than their own where HDP is delivered (e.g. donors/aid agencies).
- Organisation – actions to guide the wide range of organisations that may deliver or work in HDP settings, to improve consistency in approach by different types of organisations. Many actions are applicable to all organisations. But others may depend on factors such as the size of the organisation and the type activities being delivered. Actions specific to particular organisations are highlighted. Types of organisations include:
- government departments or aid agencies;
- multilaterals such as UN agencies, funds or programmes, multilateral financial institutions and development banks, and topic-specific (e.g. health) funds;
- international and national non-governmental organisations;
- other civil society/grassroots/community-based organisations;
- private sector organisations; and
- research organisations.
- Programme/Project – PSEAH actions that are needed to design and implement any programme, project or initiative in HDP settings. These actions will be applied proportionately depending on the scale and complexity of the programme and level of safeguarding risk involved.
SEAH stands for ‘sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment’. All three are unacceptable abuses of power. SEAH is rooted in power imbalances and often linked to inequality, notably gender inequality. Victim-survivors of SEAH usually have less power or are more marginalised than the perpetrators for various reasons. Women and girls are most often affected.
The individual terms within SEAH are commonly defined as:
- Sexual Exploitation (SE) - any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power or trust for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another. For example, coercing individuals into engaging in sexual activities in exchange for aid, services, employment opportunities, or other benefits.
- Sexual Abuse (SA) - the actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions. This includes sexual assault, rape, molestation, and other forms of non-consensual sexual activity.
- Sexual Harassment (SH) - a range of unacceptable and unwelcome behaviours and practices of a sexual nature that may include, but are not limited to, sexual suggestions or demands, requests for ‘sexual favours’, sexual, verbal or physical conduct, or gestures that are or might reasonably be perceived as offensive or humiliating. This includes jokes, comments or messages of a sexual nature; suggestive looks, staring or leering; display of or circulation of pornographic material. It is sometimes used to describe behaviour in a work environment but can also occur in communities and public spaces.
- Protection from SEAH (PSEAH) - to prevent and actively manage and mitigate the risk of SEAH and respond appropriately when it occurs. This means taking all reasonable actions to: protect people, populations and personnel; proactively reduce SEAH risk and prevent SEAH incidents; create or strengthen ways in which concerns can be raised; and to respond robustly to concerns and cases in a way which prioritises the rights, dignity and needs of victim-survivors. PSEAH is sometimes also called ‘safeguarding against SEAH’.
Some organisations distinguish between SEA and SH depending on whether the victim-survivor is a beneficiary of the services or support they provide (SEA), or a staff member (SH), and have separate policies and procedures on each. Other organisations have an overarching SEAH approach covering both SEA and SH.
CAPSEAH uses the collective term SEAH because each of SE, SA and SH are driven by power imbalances and inequality, particularly gender inequality, and all require action. Linking them encourages action to tackle all harmful and unwanted sexual behaviour by people delivering HDP work, regardless of where the incident happens or who the victim-survivor is.
Sexual Misconduct is a catch-all term which includes sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse and other forms of inappropriate behaviour of a sexual nature. This document uses the term sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment (SEAH) rather than sexual misconduct, to be clear about the behaviour being referred to and its serious, sometimes criminal, nature.
Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH) – efforts to prevent and respond appropriately to sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment.
Safeguarding and Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment (PSEAH) are terms which describe cross-organisation measures to address SEAH. The term safeguarding generally includes other non-sexual harms and abuses. The term PSEA (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) is also used to refer to measures taken to protect people from sexual exploitation and abuse by staff and programmes. Unlike SEAH, PSEA does not always include sexual harassment.
Victim-Survivor – Refers to a person who has experienced harm as a result of SEAH. Some organisations and individuals prefer to refer to victims, to recognise the harm that has occurred to them, while others prefer to use the term survivor, in order to use a term with empowering connotations (although it must be remembered that unfortunately some victims do not survive). We will use both terms in parallel given their wide use across the humanitarian, development and peacekeeping sectors.
Victim-survivor centred approach: an approach in which the victim-survivor’s rights, safety and well-being remain a priority in all matters and procedures.
Complainant/reporting person or whistle-blower – an aid worker or other person who reports allegations of SEAH.
DAC – Development Assistance Committee
GBV – Gender Based Violence
HQAI: Humanitarian Quality Assurance Initiative
IASC – Inter-Agency Standing Committee
IFI – International Financial Institution
INGO – International Non-Governmental Organisation
MFI – Multilateral Financial Institution
MoU – Memorandum of Understanding
NGO – Non-Governmental Organisation
PSEAH – Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment
SDGs – Sustainable Development Goals
SEA – Sexual Exploitation and Abuse
SEAH – Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse and Sexual Harassment